Ryan Doughty

1st Year Compter Science Ph.D. student, interested in metagenomics and virome analysis.

Ryan (1st year PhD student, Computer Science), obtained his BS in Computer Science from Case Western Reserve University. During his undergraduate studies, he worked with Dr. Treangen on large-scale wastewater analyses and targeted metagenomic sequencing methods. He also spent six months in Vigo, Spain, working in Dr. David Posada’s lab, focusing on gut-virome biomarkers in colorectal cancer. Additionally, he interned at Intellia Therapeutics for a summer, where he contributed to developing machine learning methods for CRISPR Cas-9 guide design. Ryan’s current research interests center around comprehending the global virosphere through viral genomic analyses. Ryan is supported by CS departmental support and NIH NIAID GCID (U19AI144297)

A few of Ryan’s recent publications: (McCall et al., 2023).



  1. Targeted metagenomic sequencing for detection of vertebrate viruses in wastewater for public health surveillance
    Camille McCall, Ryan A Leo Elworth, Kristine M Wylie, and 7 more authors
    ACS ES&T Water, 2023